Use Your Words

Ask Cindy to tell you her story and you’ll end up telling her YOURS. Yes, she’s THAT girl!

Listening as a friend, Cindy finds cunning ways to extract the essence of your tale until something marvelous, sparkly and new effervesces to the surface.

Multiply this quality by a hundred and you begin to understand
Brand Cindy Donato. Her brand is knowing how to make your brand the rockstar it was born to be.

Whether delving deep into the DNA of a brand, narrative or masterclass, Cindy Donato skilfully excavates to the core until that rare hidden gem, your most precious asset, is unburied and wooed to the surface.

The rest is vernacular voodoo as your story masterfully materializes before your very eyes.


Cindy crafts the words that make authors, public figures and brands ROCK their arenas

Multi-award winning creative writer

Cindy Donato


Writing is witchcraft. Ghostwriting magically turns your words into an unputdownable masterpiece.

Like any craftsperson, a ghostwriter skilfully works to bring your vision to life from a set of blueprints. Channeling tone of voice and delivering well-structured narrative in the personality of the author is the role of a good ghostwriter.
They exist… but no one’s ever seen one.

… Although celebs, high profile best selling authors, sporting icons, influencers, entrepreneurs and everyday people with a remarkable story to tell - all seem to know where to look!

(There’s one lurking behind your computer screen right now!
But don’t startle it because they’re super shy and if they get caught
…they look like they’ve just seen a GHOST!)


Untitled design (4)
“Multiple Siren & Acra Award Winner”
Untitled design (16)
“One of the most enduring landmark creative campaigns ever to run on this, or ANY network.”

Group Creative Director Nova Entertainment


Cindy Donato is a multi-award winning creative writer who has written for television documentary series, lifestyle shows, masterclass courses on Teachable, and Kajabi, public figures, entrepreneurs and best selling authors. She has also penned over 7000 radio campaigns bringing solid advertising and marketing know-how to each creative project she is commissioned to develop.

From corporate copy to blogs, e-learning, advertising and books, it is skilful writing that elevates the brand, campaign or author to a greater plane.

Cindy is happy to be the invisible entity behind some superstar writers, stepping out of the spotlight so her clients can shine.

Cindy Donato is the ghost in the machine that WORKS.


Media Releases
Advertising Campaigns
Commercial Copywriting
Integrated Sponsorship
Course Curriculums
Television Scripting
Podcast Scripting
Books (specialising in self-improvement)
Anything with words, commas and exclamation marks!


Lisa Messenger Group
Tatts Group
Flight Centre
Terry White Chemmart
Canada Airlines + 6992 more


  • Best Selling Author
    Cindy Donato brings out the best of me. In fact she brings out BETTER than me.
    Best Selling Author
  • Masterclass Educator
    You are amazing! Thank you for being by my side.
    Masterclass Educator
  • Mark Stevens
    One of the most enduring landmark creative campaigns ever to run on this, or ANY network.
    Mark Stevens
    Group Creative Director Nova Entertainment
  • Lisa Messenger
    Cindy Donato is fast becoming my right hand woman. She is simply extraordinary.
    Lisa Messenger
    Founder and Editor-In-Chief Collective Hub
  • High Profile Author | Entrepreneur
    I love love love love love LOVE working with you!!
    High Profile Author | Entrepreneur
  • Mark Stevens
    “Your latest campaign, once again, is an outstanding piece of work. It ticks all the boxes of what a great piece of communication SHOULD be… funny, authentic, unpredictable, mysterious, intelligently silly, emotionally connective and so damn clever! Cindy Donato, you should be training people in this stuff.”
    Mark Stevens
    Group Creative Director DMG Radio
    Creative Director 3 Bongos Communications

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